

An on-demand workshop for your next professional development day! 包括预先录制的视频、引导者指南和讨论提示.

Goal: 探索在实施基于自然的应急课程时我们可以计划什么,同时也认识到应急课程中我们无法计划的部分.

Duration: 2-6.5 hours (2 hr, 20 min video; discussion & activities can be as short or as long as you'd like; suggested discussions range from 85 min-4+hrs. Keep in mind this can be broken into multiple gatherings!)

Please note this download is included in The Grove library! Not a member? You can join The Grove here to access this resource & more.


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An on-demand workshop for your next professional development day! 包括预先录制的视频、引导者指南和讨论提示.

Goal: 探索在实施基于自然的应急课程时我们可以计划什么,同时也认识到应急课程中我们无法计划的部分.

Duration: 2-6.5 hours (2 hr, 20 min video; discussion & activities can be as short or as long as you'd like; suggested discussions range from 85 min-4+hrs. Keep in mind this can be broken into multiple gatherings!)

Please note this download is included in The Grove library! Not a member? You can join The Grove here to access this resource & more.


An on-demand workshop for your next professional development day! 包括预先录制的视频、引导者指南和讨论提示.

Goal: 探索在实施基于自然的应急课程时我们可以计划什么,同时也认识到应急课程中我们无法计划的部分.

Duration: 2-6.5 hours (2 hr, 20 min video; discussion & activities can be as short or as long as you'd like; suggested discussions range from 85 min-4+hrs. Keep in mind this can be broken into multiple gatherings!)

Please note this download is included in The Grove library! Not a member? You can join The Grove here to access this resource & more.



你是否渴望一个课程,让孩子们可以按照自己的节奏茁壮成长,并在学习的过程中真正引领自己的学习 with nature?



基于自然的紧急课程计划将帮助你的团队深入挖掘,提供符合孩子兴趣的材料和活动, support their development, and provide experiences learning with the natural world. 涌现课程是幼儿教育中经常讨论的一个概念, 但要精确指出实施的具体过程要困难得多. 本课程深入到如何在以自然为基础的幼儿环境中实际规划紧急课程的本质. 

In this course you will learn:

  • 识别和培养每个孩子独特的激情和好奇心

  • 培养耐心观察、注意和支持儿童自然发展的艺术

  • 与自然的体验如何成为成长和自我意识的强大催化剂

  • 营造一个鼓励孩子在自己的学习中占据主导地位的环境

  • 我们可以提前计划的课程内容和我们必须立即响应的课程内容

新兴课程颂扬个性之美, the wisdom of nature, and the empowerment of every child. Enroll now in Planning for Nature-based Emergent Curriculum 见证你教学中的转变,以及它对孩子们在自然世界中学习和与自然世界学习的影响.

When you purchase this workshop you’ll receive a downloadable Facilitator’s Guide (PDF) including... 

  • 一个链接,以便您可以在最适合您的团队的时间观看视频

  • 提示以鼓励团队讨论程序中基于自然的紧急计划

  • 可打印的工作表,以捕捉您当地的季节性事件, capture children’s interests, 并产生与这些事件和兴趣相关的活动和物质想法

  • 概述基于自然的幼儿教育(NbECE)和基于自然的应急计划周期的基础讲义.

  • 一份结业证书,这样你就可以记录并获得在这门专业学习上花费的时间

Why does an emergent curriculum matter?

Embrace the Magic of Individuality 

No two children are alike, 和《bwin菲律宾》庆祝并拥抱了这一真理. 这种方法承认教育必须适应每个孩子的需要、兴趣和进度. By allowing children to lead their learning experiences, 我们释放他们的内在潜力,激发他们对探索和发现的热爱.

Connecting with Nature’s Timeless Wisdom 

在一个生活节奏(和学校)经常让人感到无情的世界里, 以自然为基础的紧急课程鼓励自然的温柔节奏. By immersing children in the wonders of the natural world, we cultivate patience, mindfulness, and a profound appreciation for the beauty of life.

Empowering Children as Agents of Change

《bwin菲律宾》认识到儿童不是知识的被动接受者, but capable agents in their own lives. By providing opportunities for them to take the lead, make choices, and express their voices, we foster confidence, independence, and a sense of ownership over their learning.

这个按需研讨会非常适合寻求团队发展的教育工作者, as a teaching tool in pre-service education, or for individual professional learning. 

Want to take this professional learning even further?

Schedule a Live Q&A call with Rachel! A Q&如果你正在为一个教育工作者团队使用这些课程,与Rachel的会议是一个特别高的附加价值. 你和你的团队可以期待通过公开讨论来解决问题, concerns, and thoughts specific to YOUR program. If you’re interested in scheduling, 查看Facilitator’s Guide第3页的链接,可以安排30分钟或1小时的电话并付费.

Meet your instructor

Rachel A. Larimore, Ph.D.是一位教育家、顾问、演说家、研究员和作家. 她的工作重点是有意融入自然,通过与自然学习来支持幼儿的全面发展,扩大他们的世界,丰富生活, full lives. She has written multiple books including Establishing a Nature-Based Preschool, P超越围墙的学校:融合幼儿教育和基于自然的学习, and 评价自然:评价自然:对学前班至三年级自然课堂质量的评价. Prior to founding Samara, 她花了十多年的时间创办并指导了美国首批以自然为基础的幼儿园之一. 她还担任the Natural Start Alliance的顾问委员会成员, 支持以自然为本的教育者的专业协会.